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Can you stream the Documentary movie Dark Legacy, directed by John Hankey & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Dark Legacy

The death of John Kennedy is viewed through another angle in this conspiracy-themed film defending the theory that George Herbert Walker Bush was a key player in all aspects of the assassination of American president John F. Kennedy.

TAGLINE: "George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy"

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Its release date is Thursday January 1, 2009

Production details

Director John Hankey
Genre Documentary
Release date 2009-01-01
Theme Atonement, Child Death, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberwarfare & Kennedy Assassination
Place setting Mexico City
Time setting 1998
Location Spain & United States
Script John Hankey
Runtime 71 min
Homepage Dark Legacy Homepage


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Dark Legacy | Jan 1st, 2009

Dark Legacy
6.8/10 | By John Hankey
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