Watch Darling online

Can you stream the Drama movie Darling, directed by Johan Kling & starring Lis Nilheim, Michael Segerström, Michelle Meadows & Richard Ulfsäter on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Darling

A tragic and comic tale about beautiful and self-absorbed Eva, who cheats on her boyfriend, which becomes the starting point of a slow but relentless descent down to the life of ordinary people and a surprising, but doomed friendship.

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Its release date is Friday February 9, 2007

Production details

Director Johan Kling
Cast Lis Nilheim, Michael Segerström, Michelle Meadows & Richard Ulfsäter
Genre Drama
Country of origin Sweden
Release date 2007-02-09
Theme Alienation, Clothing Store, Mcdonald's Restaurant & Opposites Attract
Script Johan Kling
Cinematography Amit Roy
Music Himesh Reshammiya & Rahul Dev Burman
Runtime 94 min