Watch Deadly Outbreak online

Can you stream the Action movie Deadly Outbreak, directed by Rick Avery & Wolfgang Petersen & starring Jack Adalist, Jeff Speakman, Rochelle Swanson & Ron Silver on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Deadly Outbreak

A terrorist group lead by Colonel Baron has taken over an Israeli biochemical weapon laboratory. Colonel Baron wants to get his hands on a new secret weapon developed by Dr. Allie Levin. ...

TAGLINE: "The fear is spreading"

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Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Friday March 15, 1996

Production details

Director Rick Avery & Wolfgang Petersen
Cast Jack Adalist, Jeff Speakman, Rochelle Swanson & Ron Silver
Genre Action
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1996-03-15
Theme Biological Weapon, Death & Grieving & Israeli
Place setting California, San Francisco & White House
Location California, Hawaii & Utah
Script Charles Morris Jr. & Harel Goldstein
Cinematography Michael Ballhaus
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 88 min


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Deadly Outbreak | Mar 15th, 1996

Deadly Outbreak
3.9/10 | By Rick Avery & Wolfgang Petersen
The United States | Action
Amazon Prime Video