Watch Desolation online

Can you stream the Horror movie Desolation, directed by Sam Patton & starring Alyshia Ochse, Claude Duhamel, Jaimi Paige & Toby Nichols on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Desolation

A mother takes her son and her best friend on a trip into remote wilderness to scatter his father's ashes; they must confront their fears when a lone hiker begins following them.

TAGLINE: "Never Go Off Trail"

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Its release date is Friday December 15, 2017

Production details

Director Sam Patton
Cast Alyshia Ochse, Claude Duhamel, Jaimi Paige & Toby Nichols
Genre Horror
Release date 2017-12-15
Theme Dragons, Performance Capture & Thriller
Script Matt Anderson & Michael Larson-Kangas
Cinematography Andrew Lesnie
Music Howard Shore
Runtime 78 min


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Desolation | Dec 15th, 2017

4.7/10 | By Sam Patton
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