Watch D’étoile en étoile online

Can you stream the Comedy & Fantasy movie D’étoile en étoile, directed by Antonio Amaral & starring Ariane Louis, Christelle Dominguez, Filipe Dioniso & Naïm Moniolle on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: D’étoile en étoile

We don't know anything about PEDRO CAVEIRA : who he is or where he comes from. He's lonely and cold. In all respects, it gives the impression of wandering. PEDRO would like to understand ...

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Its release date is Wednesday February 19, 2020

Production details

Director Antonio Amaral
Cast Ariane Louis, Christelle Dominguez, Filipe Dioniso & Naïm Moniolle
Genre Comedy & Fantasy
Country of origin France
Release date 2020-02-19
Script Pedro Caveira Dos Rios Frios
Runtime 86 min

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