Watch Die Another Day online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Thriller movie Die Another Day, directed by Lee Tamahori & starring Halle Berry, Pierce Brosnan, Rick Yune & Rosamund Pike on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Die Another Day

James Bond is sent to investigate the connection between a North Korean terrorist and a diamond mogul, who is funding the development of an international space weapon.

TAGLINE: "He’s never been cooler."

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Its release date is Sunday November 17, 2002

Production details

Director Lee Tamahori
Cast Halle Berry, Pierce Brosnan, Rick Yune & Rosamund Pike
Genre Action, Adventure & Thriller
Country of origin The United States & United Kingdom
Release date 2002-11-17
Theme British Secret Service, Espionage, Laser, Secret Service Agent, Space Based Weapon, Spy & Terrorism
Place setting Hong Kong, London & South Korea
Location Hawaii, Norway & Spain
Script Ian Fleming (characters), Neal Purvis & Robert Wade
Cinematography David Tattersall
Music David Arnold
Costs $140,000,000
Box Office Revenue $431,971,116
Runtime 133 min


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