Watch Doctor Dracula online

Can you stream the Horror movie Doctor Dracula, directed by Al Adamson, Paul Aratow & Paul Aratow, Al Adamson & starring Don Barry, Geoffrey Land, John Carradine & Larry Hankin on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Doctor Dracula

An evil hypnotist puts a beautiful woman under his spell.

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Its release date is Thursday March 2, 1978

Production details

Director Al Adamson, Paul Aratow & Paul Aratow, Al Adamson
Cast Don Barry, Geoffrey Land, John Carradine & Larry Hankin
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1978-03-02
Script Cecil Brown (screenplay), Gary Reathman (screenplay), Paul Aratow (screenplay) & Samuel M. Sherman (additional dialogue)
Cinematography Gary Graver, Robbie Greenberg
Music Mary Berstein
Runtime 88 min

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