Watch Doppel online

Can you stream the Horror & Science Fiction movie Doppel, directed by Kevin Hicks & starring Brian Balog, Kevin Hicks, Michelle Hicks & Vickie Hicks on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Doppel

Recent empty nesters set out to shoot footage for a 25th anniversary video, when tragic past events begin to haunt them in ways they could not have imagined.

TAGLINE: "Death doesn't close the door."

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Its release date is Tuesday April 14, 2020

Production details

Director Kevin Hicks
Cast Brian Balog, Kevin Hicks, Michelle Hicks & Vickie Hicks
Genre Horror & Science Fiction
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2020-04-14
Theme Camera, Evil, Grief, Killer, Mockumentary, Tragedy, Video Camera & Webcam
Script Kevin Hicks & Vickie Hicks
Runtime 84 min
Homepage Doppel Homepage


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