Watch Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) online

Can you stream the Comedy & Horror movie Dracula (The Dirty Old Man), directed by William Edwards & starring Ann Hollis, Joan Pickett, Libby Caculus & Vince Kelley on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)

Dracula enslaves Dr. Irving Jekyll, turning him into the lycanthropic JackalMan, demanding that he lure female blood donors to his L.A. cabin retreat.

TAGLINE: "He slaked his thirst with the blood of innocent young virgins"

All streaming services available

Amazon Video
Its release date is Thursday December 11, 1969

Production details

Director William Edwards
Cast Ann Hollis, Joan Pickett, Libby Caculus & Vince Kelley
Genre Comedy & Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1969-12-11
Theme Kidnapping & Vampire
Script William Edwards
Runtime 80 min

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