Movies like Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Horror movie Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) with Ann Hollis, Joan Pickett, Libby Caculus & Vince Kelley & created by William Edwards?

Movies like Dracula (The Dirty Old Man) with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)?

Dracula enslaves Dr. Irving Jekyll, turning him into the lycanthropic JackalMan, demanding that he lure female blood donors to his L.A. cabin retreat.

TAGLINE: "He slaked his thirst with the blood of innocent young virgins"

Its release date is Thursday December 11, 1969

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Kidnapping & Vampire
Genre Comedy & Horror
Country The United States
Director William Edwards
Starring Ann Hollis, Joan Pickett, Libby Caculus & Vince Kelley
Written by William Edwards
Runtime 80 min