Watch Earth online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Earth, directed by Alastair Fothergill, Mark Linfield & Richard Schenkman & starring Constantino Romero, James Earl Jones, Ken Watanabe & Patrick Stewart on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Earth

Feature-length version of the documentary TV series Planet Earth (2006), following the migration paths of four animal families.

TAGLINE: "The remarkable story of three families."

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Its release date is Sunday April 22, 2007

Production details

Director Alastair Fothergill, Mark Linfield & Richard Schenkman
Cast Constantino Romero, James Earl Jones, Ken Watanabe & Patrick Stewart
Genre Documentary
Country of origin Germany & United Kingdom
Release date 2007-04-22
Theme Animals, Antarctic, Documentary Nature, Himalaya, Ice, Ocean & Walrus
Place setting Africa, Antarctica, Arctic, Botswana & Oceania
Script Jerome Bixby & Leslie Megahey (narration written by)
Music Berliner Philharmoniker
Costs $15,000,000
Box Office Revenue $109,000,000
Runtime 90 min
