Watch Fast, Cheap & Out of Control online
Can you stream the Documentary movie Fast, Cheap & Out of Control, directed by Errol Morris & starring Dave Hoover, George Mendonça, Raymond A. Mendez & Rodney Brooks on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Fast, Cheap & Out of Control
A documentary that explores the careers of four unrelated professionals: a lion tamer, a robotics expert, a topiary gardener, and a naked mole rat specialist.
Its release date is Friday October 3, 1997
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Its release date is Friday October 3, 1997
Production details
Director | Errol Morris |
Cast | Dave Hoover, George Mendonça, Raymond A. Mendez & Rodney Brooks |
Genre | Documentary |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1997-10-03 |
Theme | Circus, Eccentric, Lion & Robot |
Script | N/A |
Box Office Revenue | $832,735 |
Runtime | 80 min |
Homepage | Fast, Cheap & Out of Control Homepage |