Watch Fletch online
Can you stream the Comedy, Crime & Mystery movie Fletch, directed by Michael Ritchie & starring Chevy Chase, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, Joe Don Baker & Richard Libertini on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Fletch
Irwin M. "Fletch" Fletcher is a newspaper reporter being offered a large sum to off a cancerous millionaire, but is on the run, risking his job, and finding clues when it's clear the man is healthy.
TAGLINE: "Meet the only guy who changes his identity more often than his underwear." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday May 31, 1985
Production details
Director | Michael Ritchie |
Cast | Chevy Chase, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, Joe Don Baker & Richard Libertini |
Genre | Comedy, Crime & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1985-05-31 |
Theme | Cabana, Country Club, Dirty Cop, Divorce Lawyer, Fletch, Journalist, Journalists & Rio De Janeiro |
Place setting | Los Angeles & Utah |
Location | Utah |
Script | Andrew Bergman (screenplay) & Gregory McDonald (novel) |
Cinematography | Fred Schuler |
Music | Harold Faltermeyer |
Costs | $8,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $59,612,888 |
Runtime | 98 min |