Watch Folie à Famille online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Family movie Folie à Famille, directed by Alex Sereno & starring Álvaro Agredano, Fran Cubero, María Giménez & Trini Alabanda on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Folie à Famille
The 3 Lacámara siblings feel that their lives have no meaning. Pedro is trying to be a successful writer like his father, Mario wants to feel like he is settling down, and Elena feels out of place everywhere. The 3 meet up with th...
Its release date is Wednesday March 1, 2023
All streaming services available
No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Wednesday March 1, 2023
Production details
Director | Alex Sereno |
Cast | Álvaro Agredano, Fran Cubero, María Giménez & Trini Alabanda |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Family |
Release date | 2023-03-01 |
Script | Alex Sereno |
Runtime | 91 min |