Watch Fort Apache online

Can you stream the Western movie Fort Apache, directed by John Ford & starring Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Pedro Armendáriz & Shirley Temple on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Fort Apache

At Fort Apache, an honorable and veteran war captain finds conflict when his regime is placed under the command of a young, glory hungry lieutenant colonel with no respect for the local Indian tribe.

TAGLINE: "John Ford's Masterpiece of the Frontier!"

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Its release date is Friday March 26, 1948

Production details

Director John Ford
Cast Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Pedro Armendáriz & Shirley Temple
Genre Western
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1948-03-26
Theme American Civil War, Apache, Captain, Colonel, Military, Secret, Slaughter & Tortured To Death
Place setting Arizona
Location Utah
Script Frank S. Nugent (screenplay) & James Warner Bellah (suggested by the story "Massacre")
Cinematography Archie Stout, ASC
Music Richard Hageman
Costs $2,500,000
Box Office Revenue $3,000,000
Runtime 128 min


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