Movies like Fort Apache to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Western movie Fort Apache with Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Pedro Armendáriz & Shirley Temple & created by John Ford?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fort Apache?

At Fort Apache, an honorable and veteran war captain finds conflict when his regime is placed under the command of a young, glory hungry lieutenant colonel with no respect for the local Indian tribe.

TAGLINE: "John Ford's Masterpiece of the Frontier!"

Its release date is Friday March 26, 1948

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic American Civil War, Apache, Captain, Colonel, Military, Secret, Slaughter & Tortured To Death
Genre Western
Country The United States
Director John Ford
Starring Henry Fonda, John Wayne, Pedro Armendáriz & Shirley Temple
Place Arizona
Location Utah
Written by Frank S. Nugent (screenplay) & James Warner Bellah (suggested by the story "Massacre")
Cinematography Archie Stout & ASC
Music Richard Hageman
Runtime 128 min

Other Western movies by John Ford

Other Western movies written by Frank S. Nugent (screenplay)

The Searchers | Mar 13th, 1956

The Searchers
8.0/10 | By John Ford
The United States | Western
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3 Godfathers | Dec 1st, 1948

3 Godfathers
7.2/10 | By John Ford
The United States | Western
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