Watch Frank & Lola online
Can you stream the Drama, Mystery & Romance movie Frank & Lola, directed by Matthew Ross & starring Imogen Poots, Michael Nyqvist, Michael Shannon & Rosanna Arquette on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Frank & Lola
A psychosexual noir love story, set in Las Vegas and Paris, about love, obsession, sex, betrayal, revenge and, ultimately, the search for redemption.
TAGLINE: "Love obssesion betrayal revenge" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday December 9, 2016
Production details
Director | Matthew Ross |
Cast | Imogen Poots, Michael Nyqvist, Michael Shannon & Rosanna Arquette |
Genre | Drama, Mystery & Romance |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 2016-12-09 |
Theme | Jealousy, Las Vegas, Love, Paris, Relationship, Restaurant, Secret & Sex |
Script | Matthew Ross |
Box Office Revenue | $9,188 |
Runtime | 88 min |
Homepage | Frank & Lola Homepage |