Watch Glory Daze online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Glory Daze, directed by Rich Wilkes & starring Alyssa Milano, Ben Affleck, Megan Ward & Sam Rockwell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Glory Daze

With college graduation pending, the old gang tries to avoid the inevitability of breaking up and going forward with their lives.

TAGLINE: "True or False."

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Its release date is Sunday October 1, 1995

Production details

Director Rich Wilkes
Cast Alyssa Milano, Ben Affleck, Megan Ward & Sam Rockwell
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1995-10-01
Theme Alcohol, Beer, Friends, Future, Graduation, Party, Police & Sex
Script Rich Wilkes
Music Warren Fitzgerald
Runtime 100 min