Watch God Bless the Child online
Can you stream the Drama & TV Movie movie God Bless the Child, directed by Larry Elikann & starring Grace Johnston, Jennifer Leigh Warren, Mare Winningham & Obba Babatundé on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: God Bless the Child
Single mother, Theresa Johnson, becomes homeless, loses her job and tries to survive with her young daughter, Hillary, through charities and public shelters.
Its release date is Monday March 21, 1988
All streaming services available
Its release date is Monday March 21, 1988
Production details
Director | Larry Elikann |
Cast | Grace Johnston, Jennifer Leigh Warren, Mare Winningham & Obba Babatundé |
Genre | Drama & TV Movie |
Release date | 1988-03-21 |
Theme | Dysfunctional Families, Emotions & Homelessness |
Script | Dennis Nemec |
Runtime | 93 min |