Watch Graveyard Shift online
Can you stream the Drama & Horror movie Graveyard Shift, directed by Ralph S. Singleton & starring David Andrews, Kelly Wolf, Robert Alan Beuth & Stephen Macht on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Graveyard Shift
In a very old textile mill with a serious rat infestation, the workers discover a horrifying secret deep in the basement.
TAGLINE: "Stephen King took you to the edge with The Shining and Pet Sematary. This time... he pushes you over." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 26, 1990
Production details
Director | Ralph S. Singleton |
Cast | David Andrews, Kelly Wolf, Robert Alan Beuth & Stephen Macht |
Genre | Drama & Horror |
Country of origin | Japan & The United States |
Release date | 1990-10-26 |
Theme | Man Eaten By Monster |
Place setting | Maine |
Location | Maine |
Script | John Esposito (screenplay) & Stephen King (short story) |
Cinematography | Peter Stein (cinematographer) |
Music | Anthony Marinelli |
Costs | $10,500,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $11,582,891 |
Runtime | 89 min |