Watch Her Name Was Jo online

Can you stream the Adventure movie Her Name Was Jo, directed by Joe Duca & starring Elisa Duca, Jim Constable, Mary Cate Williams & Nichole Naccash on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Her Name Was Jo

Ten year old Jo spends her days along the Shenandoah River with her best friend Selma, fishing, scrapping for metal-surviving. But when her abusive junkie stepdad dies, Jo decides, Selma in tow, to dump the body, steal the car, and s

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Its release date is Friday March 20, 2020

Production details

Director Joe Duca
Cast Elisa Duca, Jim Constable, Mary Cate Williams & Nichole Naccash
Genre Adventure
Release date 2020-03-20
Theme Friendship
Place setting New York (state) & Wyoming
Location California, New York (state), New York City & Wyoming
Script Joe Duca
Runtime 104 min


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