Watch Heroes Don’t Die online

Can you stream the Drama movie Heroes Don’t Die, directed by Aude Léa Rapin & starring Adèle Haenel, Antonia Buresi, Damir Kustura & Jonathan Couzinié on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Heroes Don’t Die

Joachim is approached by a man believing him to be a Bosnian soldier who died on the day Joachim was born. Suspicious that he is the reincarnation of the soldier, Joachim travels to ...

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Its release date is Wednesday September 30, 2020

Production details

Director Aude Léa Rapin
Cast Adèle Haenel, Antonia Buresi, Damir Kustura & Jonathan Couzinié
Genre Drama
Country of origin Belgium
Release date 2020-09-30
Theme Terrorism United States
Script Aude Léa Rapin (screenplay) & Jonathan Couzinié (collaboration)
Runtime 85 min


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