Watch In & of Itself online

Can you stream the Documentary movie In & of Itself, directed by Frank Oz & starring Derek DelGaudio on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: In & of Itself

Storyteller and Conceptual Magician Derek DelGaudio attempts to understand the illusory nature of identity and answer the deceptively simple question 'Who am I?'

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Its release date is Friday January 22, 2021

Production details

Director Frank Oz
Cast Derek DelGaudio
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2021-01-22
Theme Magic
Script Derek DelGaudio
Runtime 90 min


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Housesitter | Jun 12th, 1992

6.1/10 | By Frank Oz
The United States | Comedy & Romance
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What About Bob | May 17th, 1991

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In & of Itself | Jan 22nd, 2021

In & of Itself
9.1/10 | By Frank Oz
United States of America | Documentary