Watch In the Basement online

Can you stream the Documentary movie In the Basement, directed by Ulrich Seidl & starring Alessa Duchek, Gerald Duchek, Inge Ellinger & Manfred Ellinger on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: In the Basement

A documentary that reveals what its subjects do in their respective basements.

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Its release date is Friday September 26, 2014

Production details

Director Ulrich Seidl
Cast Alessa Duchek, Gerald Duchek, Inge Ellinger & Manfred Ellinger
Genre Documentary
Country of origin Austria
Release date 2014-09-26
Theme Basement, Documentary Psychology & Weird
Script Ulrich Seidl (idea & concept) & Veronika Franz (idea & concept)
Cinematography Sasha Palomares
Music Diwa de Leon
Runtime 81 min

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