Watch Ishtam online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Ishtam, directed by Prem Nizaar & starring Anoop Kumar, Nisha Agarwal, Santhanam & Vimal on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Ishtam
The movie displays a feel of good romantic entertainer and describes the life of young married couple who make their life miserable with ego problems.
Its release date is Friday May 25, 2012
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Its release date is Friday May 25, 2012
Production details
Director | Prem Nizaar |
Cast | Anoop Kumar, Nisha Agarwal, Santhanam & Vimal |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Release date | 2012-05-25 |
Script | Sampath Nandi |
Cinematography | Shekhar Joseph |
Music | Thaman |
Runtime | 150 min |