Watch Isle of the Dead online

Can you stream the Horror movie Isle of the Dead, directed by Mark Robson & Nick Lyon & starring Akanimo Eyo, Joey Lawrence, Maryse Ouellet Mizanin & Sydney Viengluang on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Isle of the Dead

A military squad is sent to a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean in order to secure top secret records involving a zombie epidemic that wiped out the large scientific team experimenting ...

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Its release date is Friday December 2, 2016

Production details

Director Mark Robson & Nick Lyon
Cast Akanimo Eyo, Joey Lawrence, Maryse Ouellet Mizanin & Sydney Viengluang
Genre Horror
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2016-12-02
Theme Animated Dogs, Island, Paintings Death, Soldier, Zombie & Zombie Apocalypse
Place setting Japan & Mediterranean Sea
Script Brandon Trenz (screenplay) & Jacob Cooney (screenplay)
Cinematography Jack MacKenzie & Tristan Oliver
Music Alexandre Desplat & Leigh Harline
Runtime 90 min

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