Watch Jack online
Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction movie Jack, directed by Francis Ford Coppola & starring Brian Kerwin, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez & Robin Williams on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Jack
Because of an unusual aging disorder that has aged him four times faster than a normal human being, a boy enters the fifth grade for the first time with the appearance of a 40 year old man.
TAGLINE: "Jack Powell is about to tackle his biggest adventure ever... the fifth grade!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday August 9, 1996
Production details
Director | Francis Ford Coppola |
Cast | Brian Kerwin, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez & Robin Williams |
Genre | Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1996-08-09 |
Theme | Age Difference, Appearance, Body Exchange & Genetics |
Place setting | San Francisco Bay Area |
Script | Gary Nadeau & James DeMonaco |
Cinematography | John Toll |
Music | Michael Kamen |
Costs | $45,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $58,620,973 |
Runtime | 113 min |