Watch Jack online

Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction movie Jack, directed by Francis Ford Coppola & starring Brian Kerwin, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez & Robin Williams on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Jack

Because of an unusual aging disorder that has aged him four times faster than a normal human being, a boy enters the fifth grade for the first time with the appearance of a 40 year old man.

TAGLINE: "Jack Powell is about to tackle his biggest adventure ever... the fifth grade!"

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Its release date is Friday August 9, 1996

Production details

Director Francis Ford Coppola
Cast Brian Kerwin, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez & Robin Williams
Genre Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1996-08-09
Theme Age Difference, Appearance, Body Exchange & Genetics
Place setting San Francisco Bay Area
Script Gary Nadeau & James DeMonaco
Cinematography John Toll
Music Michael Kamen
Costs $45,000,000
Box Office Revenue $58,620,973
Runtime 113 min


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The Godfather | Mar 14th, 1972

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Swiped | Nov 6th, 2018

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Other Francis Ford Coppola Movies on Amazon Prime

Dracula | Feb 12th, 1931

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The Godfather | Mar 14th, 1972

The Godfather
9.2/10 | By Francis Ford Coppola
The United States | Crime & Drama
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Two for the Money | Oct 7th, 2005

Two for the Money
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Groundhog Day | Feb 11th, 1993

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Ready to Rumble | Apr 7th, 2000

Ready to Rumble
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Other Francis Ford Coppola Movies on Hulu

The Rainmaker | Nov 18th, 1997

The Rainmaker
7.1/10 | By Francis Ford Coppola
The United States | Crime, Drama & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz

The Conversation | Apr 7th, 1974

The Conversation
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The United States | Crime, Drama & Mystery
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Dracula | Nov 13th, 1992

7.5/10 | By Francis Ford Coppola
The United States | Horror & Romance
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Practical Magic | Oct 16th, 1998

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Brightest Star | Jan 31st, 2014

Brightest Star
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