Watch Jack and the Beanstalk online
Can you stream the Comedy, Family & Fantasy movie Jack and the Beanstalk, directed by Jean Yarbrough & starring Bud Abbott, Buddy Baer, Lou Costello & Shaye Cogan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Jack and the Beanstalk
Abbott & Costello's version of the famous fairy tale, about a young boy who trades the family cow for magic beans.
TAGLINE: "Be happy go wacky!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Monday April 7, 1952
Production details
Director | Jean Yarbrough |
Cast | Bud Abbott, Buddy Baer, Lou Costello & Shaye Cogan |
Genre | Comedy, Family & Fantasy |
Country of origin | United States of America |
Release date | 1952-04-07 |
Theme | Based On Fairy Tale, Beanstalk, Dreams, Giant, Log & Problem Child |
Script | Nathaniel Curtis (screenplay) & Pat Costello (story) |
Runtime | 70 min |