Watch Jig online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Jig, directed by Sue Bourne & starring on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Jig

Documentary telling the compelling story of the 40th Irish Dancing World Championships.

TAGLINE: " win, they must be foot perfect!"

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Its release date is Wednesday November 30, 2011

Production details

Director Sue Bourne
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 2011-11-30
Theme Competition, Dance Competition, Documentary Dance, Ireland & Woman Director
Script Julie Heekin (from an idea by)
Runtime 99 min

Other Sue Bourne Movies on Amazon Prime

Jig | Nov 30th, 2011

6.7/10 | By Sue Bourne
United Kingdom | Documentary
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu YouTube iTunes