Watch Jonah Hex online
Can you stream the Action, Drama & Western movie Jonah Hex, directed by Jimmy Hayward & starring John Malkovich, Josh Brolin, Megan Fox & Michael Fassbender on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Jonah Hex
The U.S. military makes a scarred bounty hunter with warrants on his own head an offer he cannot refuse: in exchange for his freedom, he must stop a terrorist who is ready to unleash Hell on Earth.
TAGLINE: "Revenge gets ugly." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday June 18, 2010
Production details
Director | Jimmy Hayward |
Cast | John Malkovich, Josh Brolin, Megan Fox & Michael Fassbender |
Genre | Action, Drama & Western |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2010-06-18 |
Theme | Confederate, Dc Comics, Death & Grieving, Facial Scar, Gunslinger, Hell, Revenge, Tomahawk & Usa |
Time setting | 1870s |
Location | Louisiana |
Script | Brian Taylor (screenplay), Brian Taylor (story), John Albano (characters appearing in magazines published by DC Comics), Mark Neveldine (screenplay), Mark Neveldine (story), Tony DeZuniga (characters appearing in magazines published by DC Comics) & William Farmer (story) |
Cinematography | Mitchell Amundsen |
Music | Marco Beltrami |
Costs | $47,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $10,539,000 |
Runtime | 81 min |