Watch Kitty Mammas online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Kitty Mammas, directed by Dennis Alexander Nicholson & starring Janet Porter, Kathryn Kohut, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee & Vienna Hehir on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Kitty Mammas

A disgraced fertility doctor runs a clinical trial in which four women give birth to kittens.

TAGLINE: "The cat's out of the womb"

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Its release date is Wednesday October 21, 2020

Production details

Director Dennis Alexander Nicholson
Cast Janet Porter, Kathryn Kohut, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee & Vienna Hehir
Genre Comedy
Release date 2020-10-21
Theme Capital Punishment, Cat, Kitten, Lawyers, Mariticide Fiction & Sororicide Fiction
Place setting Prison
Time setting 1920s
Location Toronto
Script Dennis Alexander Nicholson (story) & Katrina Nicholson (screenplay)
Runtime 93 min
Homepage Kitty Mammas Homepage

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Kitty Mammas | Oct 21st, 2020

Kitty Mammas
5.1/10 | By Dennis Alexander Nicholson
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