Watch Lasa & Zabala online
Can you stream the Crime & Thriller movie Lasa & Zabala, directed by Pablo Malo & starring Francesc Orella, Oriol Vila, Ricard Sales & Unax Ugalde on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Lasa & Zabala
Lasa y Zabala case was the first action headed by GAL "antiterrorist group", in 1983. Two Spanish policeman, following the direct orders of the general Rodriguez Galindo, kidnapped two ETA ...
Its release date is Friday October 17, 2014

Lasa y Zabala case was the first action headed by GAL "antiterrorist group", in 1983. Two Spanish policeman, following the direct orders of the general Rodriguez Galindo, kidnapped two ETA ...
TAGLINE: "The Case Lasa and Zabala was the first terrorist act carried out by the Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups (GAL)."
All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 17, 2014
Production details
Director | Pablo Malo |
Cast | Francesc Orella, Oriol Vila, Ricard Sales & Unax Ugalde |
Genre | Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | Spain |
Release date | 2014-10-17 |
Script | Joanes Urkixo |
Music | Michael Small |
Runtime | 107 min |