Watch Lazy Susan online

Can you stream the Comedy movie Lazy Susan, directed by Nick Peet & starring Allison Janney, Margo Martindale, Matthew Broderick & Sean Hayes on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Lazy Susan

A slice-of-life comedy about a woman on the edge with nowhere to go but over, Lazy Susan is a story about a spectacularly unmotivated woman for whom doing nothing is exhausting.

TAGLINE: "Doing Nothing is Exhausting"

All streaming services available

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Its release date is Friday April 3, 2020

Production details

Director Nick Peet
Cast Allison Janney, Margo Martindale, Matthew Broderick & Sean Hayes
Genre Comedy
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2020-04-03
Script Carrie Aizley (screenplay by), Darlene Hunt (screenplay by) & Sean Hayes (screenplay by)
Runtime N/A
Homepage Lazy Susan Homepage
