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Can you stream the Crime & Thriller movie Legend, directed by Brian Helgeland & Francis Lawrence & starring Christopher Eccleston, David Thewlis, Emily Browning & Tom Hardy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Legend

Identical twin gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray terrorize London during the 1960s.

TAGLINE: "Love, fight, live, rule like a legend."

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Its release date is Wednesday September 9, 2015

Production details

Director Brian Helgeland & Francis Lawrence
Cast Christopher Eccleston, David Thewlis, Emily Browning & Tom Hardy
Genre Crime & Thriller
Country of origin The United States & United Kingdom
Release date 2015-09-09
Theme Based On A True Story, Based On True Story, Biography, Gangster, Kray Twins, Mannequins, Murderers, Performance Capture, Twin Brothers, Twins & Viral Outbreaks
Place setting Future, London & New York City
Time setting 1960s & 2009
Location Multiple Formats & New York City
Script Brian Helgeland & John Pearson (book)
Cinematography Andrew Lesnie & Dick Pope (cinematographer)
Music Carter Burwell & James Newton Howard
Costs $25,000,000
Box Office Revenue $42,972,994
Runtime 132 min


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