Watch Life Eternal online
Can you stream the Comedy, Crime & Thriller movie Life Eternal, directed by Wolfgang Murnberger & starring Christopher Schärf, Josef Hader, Nora von Waldstätten & Tobias Moretti on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Life Eternal
Former cop Brenner has to return to his home town where he gets involved in a tragic story between his old friends.
TAGLINE: "Now something has happened again..." All streaming services available
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Its release date is Thursday March 5, 2015
Production details
Director | Wolfgang Murnberger |
Cast | Christopher Schärf, Josef Hader, Nora von Waldstätten & Tobias Moretti |
Genre | Comedy, Crime & Thriller |
Country of origin | Austria |
Release date | 2015-03-05 |
Theme | Birthday Party, Graz, Headache, Hospital, Inheritance, Murder, Murder Investigation & Police |
Script | Josef Hader (screenplay), Wolf Haas (novel), Wolf Haas (screenplay) & Wolfgang Murnberger (screenplay) |
Runtime | 123 min |
Homepage | Life Eternal Homepage |
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