Watch Listen to Me Marlon online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Listen to Me Marlon, directed by Stevan Riley & starring Bette Davis, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift & Stella Adler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Listen to Me Marlon

A documentary that utilizes hundreds of hours of audio that Marlon Brando recorded over the course of his life to tell the screen legend's story.

TAGLINE: "Intimate. Explicit. Uninhibited."

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Its release date is Wednesday July 29, 2015

Production details

Director Stevan Riley
Cast Bette Davis, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift & Stella Adler
Genre Documentary
Country of origin United Kingdom
Release date 2015-07-29
Theme Biography & Documentary Actors
Script Peter Ettedgui (co writer) & Stevan Riley
Music Stevan Riley, Gary Welch
Runtime 103 min
