Watch Love Strikes online

Can you stream the Romance movie Love Strikes, directed by Roberto Malenotti & starring Cinzia Leone, Fabio Testi, Lola Ponce & Roberto Farnesi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Love Strikes


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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video
Its release date is Tuesday April 13, 2010

Production details

Director Roberto Malenotti
Cast Cinzia Leone, Fabio Testi, Lola Ponce & Roberto Farnesi
Genre Romance
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2010-04-13
Theme Family Fiction, Prosthetics Fiction & Rebellions Fiction
Location Norway
Script Roberto Malenotti (screenplay), Roberto Malenotti (story), Stefania Bertola (screenwriter) & Stefano Voltaggio (story)
Runtime N/A

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Love Strikes | Apr 13th, 2010

Love Strikes
6.1/10 | By Roberto Malenotti
Argentina | Romance
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video