Watch Malignant online
Can you stream the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Malignant, directed by James Wan & starring Annabelle Wallis, George Young, Jake Abel, Maddie Hasson & Michole Briana White on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Malignant
Madison is paralyzed by shocking visions of grisly murders, and her torment worsens as she discovers that these waking dreams are in fact terrifying realities.
TAGLINE: "A new vision of terror." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday September 1, 2021
Production details
Director | James Wan |
Cast | Annabelle Wallis, George Young, Jake Abel, Maddie Hasson & Michole Briana White |
Genre | Horror, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | China & United States of America |
Release date | 2021-09-01 |
Theme | Brain Tumor, Detective, Domestic Violence, Dream, Gore, Monster, Murder, Psychic Connection, Seattle, Usa & Vision |
Place setting | Seattle |
Location | Los Angeles & Los Angles |
Script | Akela Cooper, Ingrid Bisu & James Wan |
Costs | $40,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $24,640,084 |
Runtime | 111 min |
Homepage | Malignant Homepage |