Watch Marnie online
Can you stream the Crime, Drama & Mystery movie Marnie, directed by Alfred Hitchcock & starring Diane Baker, Martin Gabel, Sean Connery & Tippi Hedren on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Marnie
Mark marries Marnie although she is a habitual thief and has serious psychological problems, and tries to help her confront and resolve them.
TAGLINE: "Thief... Liar... Cheat... she was all of these and he knew it!" All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday July 9, 1964
Production details
Director | Alfred Hitchcock |
Cast | Diane Baker, Martin Gabel, Sean Connery & Tippi Hedren |
Genre | Crime, Drama & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1964-07-09 |
Theme | Horse Race, In Love With Enemy, Philadelphia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Prostitute, Rape, Sexual Abuse & Suicide Attempt |
Place setting | Baltimore, Country Houses, New Jersey & Philadelphia |
Location | Atlantic City, New Jersey |
Script | Jay Presson Allen (screenplay by) & Winston Graham (from the novel by) |
Cinematography | Robert Burks |
Music | Bernard Herrmann |
Costs | $2,135,161 |
Box Office Revenue | $7,000,000 |
Runtime | 130 min |