Watch Mateo online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Mateo, directed by Aaron I. Naar & Maria Gamboa & starring Matthew Stoneman on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mateo

At the impressionable age of 16, young Mateo faces a dilemma about the direction his life will take when his corrupt uncle asks him to infiltrate a local Barrancabermeja theatre group to uncover its members' political activities.

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Its release date is Monday March 10, 2014

Production details

Director Aaron I. Naar & Maria Gamboa
Cast Matthew Stoneman
Genre Documentary
Release date 2014-03-10
Script Adriana Arjona, Maria Gamboa & N/A
Runtime 86 min

Other Aaron I. Naar Movies on Amazon Prime

Mateo | Mar 10th, 2014

6.2/10 | By Aaron I. Naar & Maria Gamboa
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes