Watch Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise online
Can you stream the Documentary movie Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise, directed by Bob Hercules & Rita Coburn Whack & starring Bill Clinton, Common, Hillary Clinton & Maya Angelou on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise
The first feature documentary about the remarkable writer, poet, actress, activist Maya Angelou.
Its release date is Friday October 14, 2016
All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday October 14, 2016
Production details
Director | Bob Hercules & Rita Coburn Whack |
Cast | Bill Clinton, Common, Hillary Clinton & Maya Angelou |
Genre | Documentary |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2016-10-14 |
Theme | Feminist Activism & Poet |
Script | N/A |
Runtime | 114 min |
Homepage | Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise Homepage |