Watch Meet Joe Black online
Can you stream the Drama, Fantasy, Mystery & Romance movie Meet Joe Black, directed by Martin Brest & starring Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt, Claire Forlani & Jeffrey Tambor on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Meet Joe Black
Death, who takes the form of a young man, asks a media mogul to act as a guide to teach him about life on Earth, and in the process, he falls in love with his guide's daughter.
TAGLINE: "Sooner or later everyone does." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday November 12, 1998
Production details
Director | Martin Brest |
Cast | Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt, Claire Forlani & Jeffrey Tambor |
Genre | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery & Romance |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1998-11-12 |
Theme | Broken Engagement, Death & Grieving, Doctor, fate, Fireworks, Life, Life And Death, Love, Love at first sight, Mass Media Owners, Personifications Of Death Fiction, Religion And Supernatural & Teenage Crush |
Location | New Jersey & Rhode Island |
Script | Alberto Casella (play), Bo Goldman (screenplay), Gladys Lehman (earlier screenplay), Jeff Reno (screenplay), Kevin Wade (screenplay), Maxwell Anderson (earlier screenplay), Ron Osborn (screenplay) & Walter Ferris (play) |
Cinematography | Emmanuel Lubezki |
Music | Thomas Newman |
Costs | $90,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $142,940,100 |
Runtime | 178 min |