Watch Groundhog Day online

Can you stream the Comedy, Drama, Fantasy & Romance movie Groundhog Day, directed by Harold Ramis & starring Andie MacDowell, Bill Murray, Chris Elliott & Stephen Tobolowsky on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Groundhog Day

A weatherman finds himself inexplicably living the same day over and over again.

TAGLINE: "He's having the worst day of his life... over, and over..."

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Its release date is Thursday February 11, 1993

Production details

Director Harold Ramis
Cast Andie MacDowell, Bill Murray, Chris Elliott & Stephen Tobolowsky
Genre Comedy, Drama, Fantasy & Romance
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1993-02-11
Theme Alarm Clock, Deja Vu, Groundhog, Love, Pennsylvania, Suicide, Telecaster, Time Warp, Weather Forecast & Winter
Place setting Pennsylvania & Pittsburgh
Location Illinois
Script Danny Rubin (screenplay), Danny Rubin (story) & Harold Ramis (screenplay)
Cinematography John Bailey (cinematographer)
Music George Fenton
Costs $14,600,000
Box Office Revenue $70,906,973
Runtime 101 min


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Multiplicity | Jul 19th, 1996

6.0/10 | By Harold Ramis
The United States | Comedy, Fantasy & Science Fiction
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Analyze This | Mar 5th, 1999

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Caddyshack | Jul 25th, 1980

7.3/10 | By Harold Ramis
The United States | Comedy
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