Watch The Family online
Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama tv show The Family, created by Hakan Bonomo & starring Kivanc Tatlitug, Nejat İşler, Nur Sürer & Serenay Sarıkaya on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Family
Aile is a story of Aslan who is the son of a large family, runs a nightclub. An extremely shrewd man. He is a dark and mysterious character. Psychologist Devin will enter the life of this difficult man and it becomes intense.
Its air date is Tuesday March 7, 2023
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No streaming sources available just yetIts air date is Tuesday March 7, 2023
Production details
Creator | Hakan Bonomo |
Cast | Kivanc Tatlitug, Nejat İşler, Nur Sürer & Serenay Sarıkaya |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama |
First Air date | 2023-03-07 |
Runtime | 120 |
Homepage | The Family Homepage |
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The United States | Action, Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama