Watch Meet the Deedles online
Can you stream the Animation, Comedy & Family movie Meet the Deedles, directed by Steve Boyum & starring Dennis Hopper, Eric Braeden, John Ashton & Paul Walker on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Meet the Deedles
Two surfers end up as Yellowstone park rangers and have to stop a former ranger who is out for revenge.
TAGLINE: "Fish out of water...Surfers in Yellowstone" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday March 27, 1998
Production details
Director | Steve Boyum |
Cast | Dennis Hopper, Eric Braeden, John Ashton & Paul Walker |
Genre | Animation, Comedy & Family |
Release date | 1998-03-27 |
Place setting | Wyoming |
Script | Jim Herzfeld |
Cinematography | David Hennings |
Music | Steve Bartek |
Costs | $24,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $4,562,146 |
Runtime | 93 min |