Watch Mermaid Down online

Can you stream the Horror movie Mermaid Down, directed by Jeffrey Grellman & starring Cara Bamford, Drew Moore, Eryn Rea & Phillip Andre Botello on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mermaid Down

A mermaid is ripped from the Pacific, her tail is chopped off and she's thrown into a mental home where no one believes she is a mermaid.

TAGLINE: "They exist."

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Its release date is Wednesday October 2, 2019

Production details

Director Jeffrey Grellman
Cast Cara Bamford, Drew Moore, Eryn Rea & Phillip Andre Botello
Genre Horror
Country of origin United States of America
Release date 2019-10-02
Theme Animated Fish, Animated Friendship, Asylum, Mental, Mermaid, Prejudice, Princesses, Shapeshifting & Witchcraft
Time setting 19th Century
Script Jeffrey Grellman (creator), Jeffrey Grellman (screenplay) & Kelly Lauren Baker (creator)
Runtime N/A


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Mermaid Down | Oct 2nd, 2019

Mermaid Down
N/A/10 | By Jeffrey Grellman
United States of America | Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu YouTube iTunes