Watch Mimic online

Can you stream the Fantasy, Horror & Thriller movie Mimic, directed by Guillermo del Toro & starring Giancarlo Giannini, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin & Mira Sorvino on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mimic

Three years ago, entomologist Dr. Susan Tyler genetically created an insect to kill cockroaches carrying a virulent disease. Now, the insects are out to destroy their only predator, mankind.

TAGLINE: "For thousands of years, man has been evolution's greatest creation... until now."

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Its release date is Friday August 22, 1997

Production details

Director Guillermo del Toro
Cast Giancarlo Giannini, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin & Mira Sorvino
Genre Fantasy, Horror & Thriller
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1997-08-22
Theme Blood, Cockroach, Disease, Experiment, Genetic Engineering Fiction, Insect, Insects, Mutation, Nest & Scientist
Place setting New York City
Location Toronto
Script Donald A. Wollheim (short story "Mimic"), Guillermo del Toro (screen story), Guillermo del Toro (screenplay), Matthew Robbins (screen story) & Matthew Robbins (screenplay)
Cinematography Dan Laustsen
Music Marco Beltrami
Costs $30,000,000
Box Office Revenue $25,480,490
Runtime 105 min


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