Movies like Mimic to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Fantasy, Horror & Thriller movie Mimic with Giancarlo Giannini, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin & Mira Sorvino & created by Guillermo del Toro?

Movies like Mimic with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mimic?

Three years ago, entomologist Dr. Susan Tyler genetically created an insect to kill cockroaches carrying a virulent disease. Now, the insects are out to destroy their only predator, mankind.

TAGLINE: "For thousands of years, man has been evolution's greatest creation... until now."

Its release date is Friday August 22, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blood, Cockroach, Disease, Experiment, Genetic Engineering Fiction, Insect, Insects, Mutation, Nest & Scientist
Genre Fantasy, Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Guillermo del Toro
Starring Giancarlo Giannini, Jeremy Northam, Josh Brolin & Mira Sorvino
Place New York City
Location Toronto
Written by Donald A. Wollheim (short story "Mimic"), Guillermo del Toro (screen story), Guillermo del Toro (screenplay), Matthew Robbins (screen story) & Matthew Robbins (screenplay)
Cinematography Dan Laustsen
Music Marco Beltrami
Runtime 105 min

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