Watch Miss Bala online
Can you stream the Action, Drama & Thriller movie Miss Bala, directed by Catherine Hardwicke & starring Anthony Mackie, Gina Rodriguez, Ismael Cruz Córdova & Matt Lauria on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Miss Bala
Gloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of cross-border crime. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, and strength. Based on the Spanish-language film.
TAGLINE: "Who would you become to save your family?" All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 1, 2019
Production details
Director | Catherine Hardwicke |
Cast | Anthony Mackie, Gina Rodriguez, Ismael Cruz Córdova & Matt Lauria |
Genre | Action, Drama & Thriller |
Release date | 2019-02-01 |
Theme | Beauty Queen, Mob Boss & Remake |
Script | Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (screenplay by) |
Runtime | N/A |