Watch Mistress online

Can you stream the Family movie Mistress, directed by Minh Thang Ly & starring Diễm My, Lan Khuê, Ngọc Quyên & Thanh Hằng on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Mistress

On an estate full of secrets, a rigid matriarch demands her newest daughter-in-law to provide a grandson to preserve her family's lineage of nobility.

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Its release date is Friday December 1, 2017

Production details

Director Minh Thang Ly
Cast Diễm My, Lan Khuê, Ngọc Quyên & Thanh Hằng
Genre Family
Country of origin Vietnam
Release date 2017-12-01
Theme Inheritances & Witchcraft
Place setting Massachusetts
Location Los Angeles
Script Ngoc Bich
Runtime 90 min

Other Minh Thang Ly Movies on Amazon Prime

Mistress | Dec 1st, 2017

6.3/10 | By Minh Thang Ly
Vietnam | Family
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video